You go to the dentist a couple times each year to protect your teeth.
But which would you rather lose? Your teeth or your eyes?
Many people say vision coverage is not important because they think they don’t have a vision correction need or they think it’s too expensive. But they are wrong.
The “I don’t need glasses” excuse.
Taking care of your eyes is very important. Serious health conditions can be detected through the eyes, and an eye exam can potentially be lifesaving. Eye doctors are often the first ones to detect early signs of diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure in patients.
The “it’s too expensive” excuse.
While rates for Individual Vision Plans may appear expensive, on average, our clients save more than $200 for their eye exam and eyewear services.
In most cases the insurance pays for itself with the savings on the exam and if you need eyewear or contacts then you save even more!

The Importance of an Eye Exam
An exam with with your Eye Doctor helps detect the signs
of health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and
high cholesterol – along with other eye and health issues.
Think you’re too young or healthy for an eye exam?
Think again.

Babies and Toddlers
Approximately 80% of what children
learn is through their eyes. Impaired vision can affect a child’s cognitive,
emotional, neurological, and physical
development by potentially limiting his or her exposure to a range of experiences and information.
Schedule their eye exams:
• At six months
• Between two and three years old
• Before kindergarten

Children & Teens
More than one in four school-age kids have some form of a vision problem. Studies show that 60% of students identified as problem learners have undetected vision troubles. Take kids for eye exams once each year.
TIP: Schedule one at the beginning of the school year to give your child a healthy start.

Young Adults
Even if you have had laser vision surgery or have naturally good vision, you still need an annual exam. More than four million Americans over the age of 40 have some form of vision impairment. More than two thirds of Americans report experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain. Young adults should have an eye exam once a year.

Adults & Seniors
As we age, we’re more susceptible to cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness among Americans age 65 and older. Glaucoma affects more than 3 million Americans, but only half are aware they have the disease because the symptoms are so subtle. Older adults should schedule an eye exam once a year.

Contact Lens Wearers
Contact lenses are medical devices. That’s why regular exams with an eye care provider to review your prescription are important. You should schedule an eye exam once each year.

People with Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the top three causes of blindness in the United States. And, most diabetes-related blindness can be prevented by an annual eye exam. If you have diabetes or are borderline diabetic, you should schedule an eye exam once each year.
According to the National Eye Institute, more than 11 million people in the U.S. have an uncorrected visual impairment. Help protect your family’s vision.